Home / POLITICS / Tim Kaine Spews Wild Conspiracy Theory About Trump’s Administration And The Holocaust

Tim Kaine Spews Wild Conspiracy Theory About Trump’s Administration And The Holocaust

Liberals have been critiquing Trump and his administration for not mentioning the Jews during his Holocaust Remembrance Day speech. When asked for an explanation of why they didn’t specifically mention Jews, they responded that there were 5 million others who were killed in the Holocaust and wanted to acknowledge all of the victims.

However, failed politician and former vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine concluded that because of this, and because of Trump’s new immigration restrictions that Trump and his administration are ‘Holocaust Deniers’.

“It’s a religious test, as you pointed out,” said Tim Kaine about Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’. “It imposes a different burden on Muslims than others. And the irony is not lost on me that it was issued the same day as the White House issued their Holocaust Remembrance Day proclamation that unlike any previous administration removed all reference to Jews,” said Kaine in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“So you put a religious test on Muslims and you try to scrub reference to Jews in the Holocaust Remembrance. This was horribly, horribly mishandled,” said Kaine. Todd questioned if Kaine really thought there was a connection between the two.

“We have to remember this. This is what Holocaust denial is. It’s either to deny that it happened or many Holocaust deniers acknowledge, ‘Oh yeah people were killed. But it was a lot of innocent people. Jews weren’t targeted.’ The fact that they did that and imposed this religious test against Muslims in the executive orders on the same day, this is not a coincidence,” said Kaine. Check out the video below.


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