Do you long for those days when Obama was president and everything really sucked? If so, you are in luck. You can now wear your nostalgia for the worst presidency in modern American history. Chance The Rapper has started an Obama fashion line, giving you the opportunity to show the world how truly stupid you are.

I really only know Chance the Rapper from those Kit Kat commercials, but as his name would indicate, he is a rapper in addition to being a candy bar salesman. He has also branched out in the world of high fashion with the announcement of his new clothing line called “Thank You Obama.” As you can guess it’s tacky overpriced crap with an Obama theme.

There is an Obama hoodie with a “44” because he was the 44th President of the United States, which will cost you $90. The “Thanks Michelle” long-sleeve t-shirt is a little more affordable at $40, or you could drop another ten bucks for the Barack and Michelle memorial marriage tee that looks like it was designed by crackhead with an airbrush gun.

Obama daughter Malia gets some love in this line, but Sasha is left out. For only $35 you can wear a Malia t-shirt that reads “We all smoke, it’s okay” on the back. How cute is it that there is a piece of clothing celebrating the underage daughter of the former president smoking pot? Did I say cute? I meant disturbing.

Easily the best in this line is the “King Obama” t-shirt showing Barack wearing a crown tilted on his head so you know he has that “urban” vibe and street cred. Underneath is written: “Thank you Obama.”

You know, that whole “thanks Obama” meme was a sarcastic jab at what a terrible president he was. I don’t think Chance the Rapper has quite grasped that fact.

According to the website, you are not supposed to actually wear any of this stuff because it is art, making this even more ridiculous. Chance explains why he “created” these works of art:

with this project i wanted to timestamp a period in my life where i felt like i can do whatever i wanted to do and be whatever i wanted to be. The night obama won his first term gave me so much hope, especially & most importantly as a black man. I decided to make a collection saying “thank you” and give me something to smile at every now and then when i look in the closet.

You’d think that the profits from this crap would go to some kind of charity, but I can find no evidence of that. It looks like all the money is going in Chance’s pocket. I guess he figures thanks is enough to profit off of someone else’s likeness.


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