Throughout the election, Trey Gowdy was an crucial force fighting against the evil of Hillary Clinton. He challenged James Comey over and over again throughout his investigation when he was blindly supporting Hillary and now Trey Gowdy just got the perfect job.

Trey Gowdy will now be doing oversight of the United States intelligence community. He has been named House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It’s an amazing job opportunity for a very hard-working man.

“Protecting the safety and security of our fellow citizens is the preeminent function of government. When it comes to our national security, we cannot afford to take risks. The House Intelligence Committee plays a vital role in protecting Americans both at home and abroad through conducting thorough oversight of our nation’s intelligence agencies,” said Trey Gowdy in a statement.

“I look forward to joining the House Intelligence Committee and working with Chairman Nunes and my colleagues to ensure national security remains the top priority in the 115th Congress,” said Gowdy.

According to Greenville Online he will continue to serve on three other committees: ethics, oversight and government reform and judiciary. According to the site, Trey Gowdy is the first person from South Carolina to serve on the committee. Do you think he will do a great job?