Saturday , February 25 2017
Home / POLITICS / Obama will lead Anti-Trump organization with 30,000 protesters

Obama will lead Anti-Trump organization with 30,000 protesters

This afternoon was confirmed by the New York Post that there will be an attempt from the ex President Obama to derail the new President Donald Trump.

As it seems, Obama will be leading 30 000 protesters, located in 2 miles from the Oval Office, with purpose to disrupt the goals and ambitions  of the President Donald Trump

According to some sources, the ex president is planing to accomplish this with help of some network or non-profit organization, which operates under the parent agency, “Organizing for Action”.

The ex president refused to uphold the tradition deigned to protect the presidency from partisanship, because that can cause harm on the democratic framework of the government system. Every normal situation would call the ex president to retire from politics, but in this case it’s not about Obama.

Since the election cycle, all that has been showed is that America is doing everything but not sticking to its routine.

Since the November 8th, the network of dissenters is rapidly growing with a position which is stating that there are no plans on backing down.

The ex-president is deeply involved with this kind of operations which include the non-profit groups, even more he is posting from their official accounts on twitter. He is giving different orders on the activist soldiers on the ground.

He says that now is time for “some organizing” and his original promise was a “smooth transition” which was quickly altered.

Barack Obama will be associated by Eric Holder, who is willing to serve as the right-hand of his in leading the resistance.

The ex-president will watching the entire operation from a place(mansion) located about 2 miles from the White House, where he also is building a wall around the exact complex.

It’s obvious that until the new President – Donald Trump shows his place, the ex-president Barack Obama is not going anywhere.

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